Last night sitting around a small fire pit, having a "Pitfire" as a new found friend so titled it.
Conversations, jokes, general fun, and some Marshmallows.
My new friend, her I enjoy, she's something different, unique. Good; I hate clones.
Three other friends, all male, two are actually quite annoying and get on my nerves, but I love them despite. The other one, wears tights, and loses trouser buttons, I could be around him for months straight and not want to whack his brains out with a full can of soda.
God spoke to me that night, Father said: "This is what your life should be. Live it this way, it's better than the way you chose at first. It's not too late to change." I agree, wholeheartedly.
An hour, or two --or was it three?-- after the last person has arrived, my darling new friend performed for us with musical talent, she sang a lovely song sung lovely, I may have cried, I don't remember, but right then my life was at the absolute perfect moment it's ever been. I closed my eyes and took in the night: the smell of the campfire, the cool night air mixed with the warm exhaust of the fire and the beautiful performance from my new friend. Life should be this way all the time. Simple. Majestic. Perfect.
Not too long after that, after my new friend had taken her leave --and long after another friend had parted-- my two remaining friends and I set up our tent, climbed in, and talked until almost morning.
We fell asleep around four or five. Dreams pressed their faces against the window of my unconsciousness, and euphoria settled me in the cold morning air of the tent.
8:00 or so, we all climbed out of the tent and started the fire back up. We roasted hot dogs and sausages for breakfast and talked until my second to last remaining friend's transportation arrived, we said our goodbyes to him and sat around the fire until the last of the flame faded to only embers. That was the best night of my entire life.